Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Doctor's office

As some of you have heard I took the boys in for their well child check up's this last week.

I learned that not all immunizations have egg white's in them, so needless to say Conrad was the lucky recipient of 2 shots. (the standard for 11 year olds) He squirmed and tried to get away from the nurse so that she wouldn't give them to him, but alas he got them anyway.

Then Spencer needed a couple of little procedures done. Both because he has enurices and caprices. One they wanted him to pee in a cup. And two abdominal ex-rays.

He was terrified to pee in a cup certain that it would hurt. Or that this meant that they were going to do some other form of painful thing to him because of it. So he kept refusing to do it. I had to pull him off of me, and try to convince him that it wouldn't hurt and all he had to do was go to the bathroom. Then I had to hold the cup for him, because he didn't want to touch the awful thing. And he is still upset that he had to do this.

As for the ex-rays. The tech was already gone for the day by the time that we got over for that part of the process, so we have to go back on Monday. But he is already telling me that he won't let them do it. He doesn't want them to do anything to him. Because he is sure that it is going to be painful. I'll keep you posted on that.


Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

Maybe you could show him some cool pictures of X-rays. It is a picture of your insides. Does a regular picture hurt? Then neither will the X-ray.
Good luck. Keep us updated!

Unknown said...

So he made it through the xray. you could tell he was waiting for the painful part to come. But before he knew it the xray was over. she told him to hold his breath, and then said she was done. And his comment was "that's all, REALLY". And he got to see the xray when it was done and thought that that was pretty cool.