Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our 2009 Toyota Prius

We sold our truck two weeks ago... some guy came to the door and offered to buy the truck from us (Angie was not home at the time), and Justin told the guy what we thought would be a fair price for the truck.  After some thought the guy agreed and said he would be back later with the cash.  When Angie gets home shock sets in and we get to work trying to figure out what car to replace the truck with.

So the next day we go car shopping and after test driving several cars and a lot of discussion, we settled on a Toyota Prius.  The dealer offered us a great deal on a white 2008 package 4 (even though we only wanted the package 2), so we agree and sign the negotiation paperwork.  They come back and say that the car they were going to sell us is sold, however they have some coming in on a truck some time during the week.  And they happened to have the color and package that we wanted coming in, so we agree to the prius coming in and put our deposit down.  

After several days of only having one vehicle to get both of us to work, and the kids to school we get the call that our car is in.  So we plan on going in to pick it up when Angie gets off work.  While Angie is at work Justin gets a call from the dealer, it turns out that they messed up again.  We had put a deposit down on a 2008 Toyota Prius in the Desert Sand package 2, but they got in a 2009 Toyota Prius in the Desert Sand package 2.  So they agreed to sell us the 2009 for the price of the 2008 that we had agreed on purchasing.  


Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

Love the car. That should get you here at Christmas with less of a gas bill.

Justin Sant said...

That would be great but working at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory at Christmas time, may make it difficult to get time off of work.... So we'll see.

The Sants said...

Love the new car! Yea for you guys and nice work getting a 2009 for the price of a 2008! (I know it wasn't planned, but still...) ;)

Anonymous said...

What?? Where is everyone working? Are you coming for Thanksgiving or Christmas? Or neither? Are you coming to Denises wedding?

Unknown said...

Okay here is the scoop. I (Angie) work at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Justin still works for Safeway. And We are coming for Denise's wedding, but not Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Debra said...

tag! you're it...look at my blog!